Friday 1 July 2011

Language Devlopment around 1 years



When I was a minute old, I was already listening to my new world and picking up all of these new alien sounds which were very strange at first. I started to cry in response to my world feeling uncomfortable to what I was hearing and wanted to get the hell out of this horrible world. But overtime, it wasn't too bad at all because the sounds I was listening too I was familiar with and I knew they were a good thing. If I was crying and I suddenly heard these familiar sounds which were mummy and daddy, I would be so scared or frightened then.


When I was four months I suddenly found a way of communicating to others in a particular and interesting way. I had developed communication by babbling with some sound which I had picked up and trying to express these by babbling. Of course no one really could understand what I was exactly saying but I could express some of my emotions which I was showing. Such as if I was hungry or I was not happy for a good reason.


When I was closing up on 1 year, my understanding of language had developed to a new high as I was now using repetition. With my parents knowing of this they encouraged me by saying words for me to try and repeat and understand. Eventually I started to practice what they were saying and then eventually try to say it properly like how they did. I could also tell if I had done it right because by then I was able to  understanding people's facial expressions such as if they were happy or sad.


When I was between 1 and 2 years, I then started to join up the words which I had learnt. I started putting nouns and verbs together to state what I wanted such as if I was hungry or when is lunch. I had started to create simple sentences or statements to develop my communication skills. But some people who the speech problems could only use body language and stress sound noises to communicate.


By David Purton

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